We hope that you had a wonderful summer and start-up for the new school year goes smoothly!

It has been a busy summer at OMLTA: our members participated in Projet à Québec, a collaborative OTF summer institute for elementary teachers focusing on STEM, an OTF summer institute for secondary FSL teachers, among other opportunities. Members have been hard at work writing new financial literacy resources for use in FSL classes, which will be available in early winter on our website. Finally, the International Languages Curriculum was released! A resource writing project will be starting soon! Keep you eye on our website for details!

We are excited to host our Fall Conference in Peterborough on November 18 and 19. Registration will start soon!

Please take a look at our September e-blast for more information about upcoming opportunities and events:

2016 Sept eblast

Feel free to circulate this message to colleagues and encourage them to become members of OMLTA!

Best wishes for a great school year!